Name :- Kishan Thobhani. He has been into Web Development past 2 years , now mostly writing PHP Applications Commertially whilst work...

Kishan Thobhani's Interview

Kishan Thobhani
Name:- Kishan Thobhani.

He has been into Web Development past 2 years , now mostly writing PHP Applications Commertially whilst working a full time job in Pune  and bait of Freelance , He've Writtened more than 20 full stack applications over more than 50 modules varied Domains . At present he writes Ruby on Rails and anguler code mostly on Printajoy.


1. Where have you studied PHP ? what were the sources ?.

Kishan:- " Picked up most of the PHP at School usually handson over Applications but Jeffery  Tutorial are what i find best."

2.  Which Programming language you like most ? Which would you like to Prefer our viewers ?

Kishan:- " Ruby as a language and Rails as a Framework with so opinionated philosophy."

3. Have you ever tried Android , IOS , Windows , java ,Blackberry etc . Development ?

Kishan:- " I did some projects to port web apps to native apps ."

4. Do you owns any personal bussiness online ?

Kishan:- " Yes ... Printajoy ."

5. What Printajoy actually Does ?.

Kishan:- " Imagine all your instagram memories coming alive with same emotions and candidness with which they were taken. We at Printajoy try to sum up all those memories in a beautiful box full of joy to cherish each moment again and again.

We assure with Printajoy, instagram would mean much more when you can actually touch em. And the smile that it brings is our ultimate mission. And thats the reason we have kept it as affordable as possible."

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