Name :-  Milap Bhojak. He Works At Google Developers Group – Gandhinagar. Contributor At (VLC Media Player).Affiliate ...

Milap Bhojak's Interview

Milap Bhojak
Name :-  Milap Bhojak.

He Works At Google Developers Group – Gandhinagar. Contributor At (VLC Media Player).Affiliate Member at and Volunteer at Python Software Foundation, USA. Engineering Student at Gujarat Technological university :)
He's inquisitive in nature and he always strive for inspiration and to learn from others and “Passionate about Technology” Flexible and versatile to work in deadline-driven environments.Have a Great Vision To Be An Entrepreneur and He likes to solve a real world problem using the existing resources of Information Technology. He believe that creativity, smart working, dedication and encouragement can make anything possible. As far as, non-technical things are concerned, He likes gossiping with friends and like to play drums, listening the rock and soft musics, making new friends and meeting new peoples.loves Music. and yeah , also love to do adventure .

1. Where Did you studied Python ? what were the sources ?

" Self learning is the best thing ever i seen but one of my clg faculty supporting me and yeah ofcourse search engine i also ref. google python class."

2. Have you ever Tried for Android , Windows , Symbian , Java , Blackberry , IOS development ? if so , then How was your Experience ? 

 " Yeah we are developing android app. and yeah java is my second priority."

3. Which Language Do you like most for Programming ? which would you like to prefer to our  Fans ?

" Programming languages are like ERA but once you understood basic concept u can learn any language. i prefer python, java,c++, c ."

 4. Do you runs your personal business ? if so , then tell us about it ?

" Yeah i'm working with startup. "

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