Name : Dhiraj Jadhao He likes to think of himself as a hardcore maker. He loves to tinker with both hardware and software and de...

Dhiraj Jadhao's Interview

Dhiraj Jadhao
Name : Dhiraj Jadhao

He likes to think of himself as a hardcore maker. He loves to tinker with both hardware and software and derives deep satisfaction in combining his electronics background with iOS development. RF communication is a subject very close to his heart and he has dabbled in aeromodelling, RC aircraft and UAVs like quadrotors before the Internet of Things and home automation piqued his interest. He is actively involved in almost all open source hardware and software activities happening in India and became one of the first active members of the IOT-Pune group that eventually brought him to RHC. He was involved in NASA's Curiosity Mars Mission Project and responsible for designing data transmission module which was completed successfully in 2012.

He's the  currently Chief Embedded Systems Engineer at Revealing Hour Creations  and President at iArduino Workplace.

Q1. What is TAH ?

Tah is an open source development board that helps you create your own projects that can connect to your smart phone, laptop, or desktop via Bluetooth low energy. Its frugal power requirements and onboard USB open up a wide array of applications that weren’t previously possible. With the power and flexibility of Tah, it’s now easier than ever to connect your smart devices to everything around you!


    Bluetooth Low Energy + Beacon
    USB HID-compatible
    iOS and Android Libraries
    Open source throughout

This powerful combination allows Arduino applications to be controlled directly using your smartphone – your phone’s built-in accelerometer, gyroscope, and other sensors can directly trigger events in the physical world!

Tah is a LEGO block for enabling the Internet of Things.

Q2.  From where did you got such Inspiration ?

As an engineer i have seen how beginner get directionless when he wants to start with some project. In tech world having knowledge of specific things only doesn't work out and therefore one should have the ability or expertise in all aspects. Instead of focussing on single application i wanted to create a strong platform which will have completely open source infrastructure and which should not be only focussed on either hardware or software but on both at the same time. "Smart Devices" specifically "Smartphone" has became a part of our life now and everyone need control over information and things from that single device and this is how i came up with Tah.

 Q3. How your product affects society ?

While developing Tah I have kept novice person in mind, so if anyone with minimal or no knowledge can easily start prototyping with Tah and create amazing stuffs in no time.
As prototyping time and cost gets reduce because of the resources and support available behind Tah, Everyone can develop amazing application which will bring dumb physical things around us on network and let them interact with the real world.

Q4. What resources you used and how you found them ?

Most of the resources required for development of Tah are easily available in india. As Tah is completely open source we have released BOM(Bill Of Material) in which component details as well as from where they were purchased is also given.

Q5. What are you thinking ahead with TAH , any company being plant ?

I have several plans for Tah ahed, this is just a beginning and in near future it will evolve with many amazing features which will be completely amazing and distinguishable.

Q6. What are the possible places where TAH can be used ?

Tah can fit into lots of technical application as Home Automation, Fitness Tracker, Wearable Device, Wireless Game Controller, Sensor Network, Item Tracker, Retail Advertisement, Smart Medical devices, Indoor Navigation, Smart Agriculture devices, Industrial Application and many more, actually with so many open source resources and reference there are endless possibilities. 

Q7. What is your ultimate goal ?

There is a saying "Look Learn and Change" and this is the best way to learn something according to me, if someone  want to create something then its easy for him to take reference from somewhere and do modifications according to his need and this is how innovation happens. And therefore I want to integrate this kind of technology in our education system so that it won't just create an Engineer but an Innovator.

For more info. on TAH , kindly visit here .