Name : Rakesh K Sidana. He is Founder and CEO of He launched his firm in 2008 and want to make a platform for small car ...

Rakesh Sidana's Interview

Rakesh Sidana
Name : Rakesh K Sidana.

He is Founder and CEO of He launched his firm in 2008 and want to make a platform for small car repair shops and garages in India. India was becoming aware online but car workshops were not online when he started. First two years, he did not know about business model but only the vision - a large platform for car garages in India.

Q1. What you're currently doing ?

We are a marketplace and aggregator of car garages, car mechanics. We are helping car owners to find the "nearest" car service station. Mobile App is our new venture with business shift on mobile and want to help car owner who is in trouble on the road.

Q2. Tell us about ? is your local car mechanic. is Mobile App to search nearest car workshop. is 24x7 Roadside Assistance.

Q3. Why is introduced ?

To connect to two users, car mechanic and car owner directly for best choice, comfort and savings. Car owners reviews would help to make users choice better and better. 

Q4. How you got an idea to make such a platform for all car service centers ?

Idea came into my mind when i was searching about car workshops in India and could not find it online in 2008 and wanted to explore why this is not in India. It was a time when used car online website traffic were started picking up and everybody suggested me to do that only while i knew already there was no business at all for "car servicing" but i wanted to pursue this than what everybody was doing at that time. I do what matters most to me... ha ha ;)

Q5.  Is "" the only Service you came with ? or any other service is on the way ?

"One" love, "One" strength, "One" service thats MeriCAR Mobile App.

We are shifting all our business on mobile App and probably shutting down website in stages that is non-seo friendly which still throws error... ha ha ;)

Q6. How many brilliant minds are behind this venture ?

I have a mind, let the world decide if that's brilliant or NOT which has produced many new "unique" concept in India and will keep producing more.... ha ha ;)

My team members who keep me engage with analysis and customers requirements before we come up with any new product.

I also work with people from IIM Udaipur every year and we do brainstorming before the launch and track the performance. 

My mentor Mr Gautam Sinha is a great entrepreneur who is co-creator and we discuss how we can get fail fast so that we touch successes fast.....

I have an investor Mr. Rajan Anandan who helped me to make me believe myself in what i am doing today... He is always "just a call away" for me  ;)

Q7. How your Service helps Society ?

MeriCAR Mobile App could be the revolution. It will change the way car owner SOLVE their car problem. Finding nearest car service station for repairs to...... to asking for emergency help at mid-night on the road.

Q8. What is your ultimate Goal ?

A large platform of car garages in India. 
- Aggregation!!! - Empowerment!!! 

Currently i am working with 34 entrepreneurs across India as my partners to help me to aggregate local car repairs shops and vision is to work with 100 entrepreneurs by the end of this year to make an impact and realize my dream ;)

Please help us by connecting to entrepreneur who want to work with Thanks.

Q9. How much time it took you to reach this level ?

It took nearly 6 years to reach at current level. Current level is 34 Partners across India, a large alliance with strength of 17000 car mechanics for roadside assistance and business shift to mobile app technology. 

My stake holders look at MeriCar differently....they are considering revenue, numbers, data, technology but.... i see it as a VISION and i am on a entrepreneurship journey ;)